On Saturday night, June 10, they will be cooking all over the square!
Many thousands of servings of truffles and mushrooms are to be given free to all visitors of the 1st National Truffle Festival on Saturday evening, June 10.
The entire Rigas Feraiou Square in Kalambaka will be transformed, on that day, into a huge cuisine, where about 30 chefs will be cooking truffle dishes. Considering that in previous Mushroom Festivals, organized by the Natural History Museum of Meteora and Mushroom Museum, more than 10,000 people passed by, it is easy to understand that something similar will happen this year.
The cooking has been undertaken and offered by the Gastronomy Department of IEK DELTA 360o, headed by the head of the department, Mr Dotsios Adamos, while the contribution to the preparation and execution, of the Larissa-based Catering AIGLI, is very important.
Particularly important is the contribution of OLYMPOS (cheese, butter), Kekhagias Mushrooms and Dirfys Mushrooms, Voliotis Family (olive oil), AGROZYMI (pasta), Nico Lazaridi and Tsililis (wines), Agapitos (chocolates), Vavitsas Bakery (pies) and the patisseries Ananas, Drougas, Kyvelia, and Robos.
Also important is the contribution of Naougusta Agricultural Cooperative of Naoussa, which offers tons of fruits, while KLIAFAS offers refreshments and the waters of THEONI will quench the visitors’ thirst.
These are just a few of the co-supporters and we mention them indicatively, as a detailed announcement of all those who will contribute to the success of the Festival will follow. Their mention here is to highlight the great support in a project that is sure to add value to the region.