The top Greek chef and owner of the award-winning restaurant “Varoulko”, Mr Lefteris Lazarou, will take part in the 1st Panhellenic Truffle Festival in Kalambaka, organized […]
Όπως ανακοινώθηκε ήδη, η 1η Πανελλήνια Γιορτή Τρούφας που γίνεται στην Καλαμπάκα 8-11/06/2023, απαιτεί μεγάλη προσπάθεια και ως εκ τούτου η ατομική συμμετοχή καθενός σε αυτή, […]
Truffle hunting tours continue in September! Individual visitors of Meteora can join a shared tour and have a once in their lifetime experience. The available dates […]
The Museum collaborates with “αγροζύμη“, one of the leading pasta companies in Greece. The pasta of the company is used by the chefs of the Museum, […]
Collaboration with Nico Lazaridi, one of the leading wineries in our country was made by the Natural History Museum of Meteora and Mushroom Museum. In the […]
Truffle hunting tours organized by the Museum continue in September! Individual visitors of the area of Meteora can join a truffle hunting tour on September 12th […]